It looked to me like the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- D --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- was --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- trying to resist the miserable --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- circumstances in its life. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- ItÕs depressed and confounded --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- and its neck is out of joint. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- E, --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- sensitive letter that it is, --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- is very understanding of what --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- D --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- is going through. In fact, --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- E thinks that --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- DÕ --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- s angst is so --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- cool it wants to undergo --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- a psychological transformation --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- of its own. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Marianne Willisch, designer --- RECORDSEPARATOR ---